Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
You can never have too many hats, bags, or shoes

Amsterdam's Museum of Handbags and Purses is a rare place. It offers an historical survey of Western bags and related accessories from pill boxes to luggage. On view are some 400 objects from a collection almost ten times that size. Most of the material was acquired by Hendrijke and Heinz Ivo, a married couple who began collecting in earnest 25 years ago, after he retired at 51 (he was president of the food division at Mars).Tassen Museum Hendrikje Museum of Bags and Purses
Sigrid Ivo, an art historian and daughter of the museum's founders, directs the foundation that now owns the collection and runs the museum. But this is no mere mom and pop affair. Here, in a very glamorous setting, the matter of handbags is taken seriously, stylishly and with a light touch. The museum occupies a double-fronted 17th-century house on the city’s grandest canal, the Herengracht. Exhibits are displayed in chic, modern glass cases and lit as if each handbag or lipstick case was a jewel. A great many are.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Can you guess what this ad is selling? MAMoWTF, observed.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Future Fashion- Oh, Swish!
Dresses made of transparent net? Big crazy hair? Check and check. Okay, maybe it's just JLo.

Electric belt adapting the body to climatic changes. Sort of.

Candy for cuties? Yes. You're wearing it.
YouTube - 1930s Futuristic Fashion Predictions
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Candyphile - mail order deliciousness

a monthly club which sends delicious underground candies from miracle making confectioners all over the world, straight to your door and ready for you own gastronomical adventure.
CandyBuffet: Lollyphile
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Librarians and ink, two of my favorite things

The Tattooed Ladies represent both urban and rural libraries; public, school, academic, and special libraries; and the state's geography from El Paso to the Gulf Coast and from North Texas to the Rio Grande Valley. You'll meet seasoned professionals and passionate lay advocates, retired librarians and library school students. Libraries thrive on and promote diversity and freedom of expression. The Tattooed Ladies of TLA calendar is a testament to both.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Supernatural Season 5 : Only 3 Weeks To Go!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Onward to Adventure! NYC with Mom
First, the train ...
... and then some more trains. Escalators and baggage friendly turnstiles. That's all I'm saying New York. All I'm saying.
After we settled into our hotel - big ups to the Helmsley Middletowne for the free suite upgrade, btw, we struck off for Central Park.
Where we decided to flaunt the local rules and regs

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Toon Tuesday: Dixieland Droopy
Monday, August 17, 2009
#musicmonday: Chris Isaak
Tip o'the hat to T!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
In my next life, I want to be a set decorator for a genre show

The detail that people went through in those days was just so well worth it. I mean, when I look at it, I just - I really appreciate it ... I think it's those details in life that make life more interesting. It seems like everything is so homogenized and bland compared to how it used to be.
Passings: Les Paul, 1915-2009

He's the man who gave the gods their hammers.

Les Paul (1915-2009) : Rolling Stone
Tributes pour in for guitar player and rock innovator Les Paul after death at age 94 --
Les Paul, 1915-2009 - Music - Gawker
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Happy 25th Birthday, Buckaroo Banzai
Tell him yes on 1, no on 2.
Happy 25th Birthday, Buckaroo Banzai - Adventures of buckaroo banzai in the 8th dimension - io9
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
It's the Final Countdown: Supernatural Season 5
io9 has a super spoilery recap of the Supernatural panel from last month's Comic Con.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Toon Tuesday: Mice Follies
Handcraft of the Week: d20 Handbag of Holding

d20 Handbag of Holding: How to build it - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Eventually I became a librarian instead

Click Click Bloody Click YES TO THIS!!
Automatic buttering and syruping machines sold separately.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
No frogs were harmed in the making of this confection

But if we took the bones out... - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
via Neatorama
Friday, August 7, 2009
Passings: John Hughes

Andi totes should have been with Duckie. I never quite understood why she was the outcast. I would have killed for her clothes. The prom dress not so much, but still. Also, I had her hair. I gave myself the home perm.
Does Barry Manilow know you raid his closet?
My best friend Becca and I were obsessed with this movie. I think I still have the soundtrack on cassette somewhere ...
Sixteen Candles - Final Scene - Movie Ending - The best video clips are right here
It's British Friday! It's British Friday!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Come on Judy, let's put on a show!

"Yell at your trophy wife from the tub while watching a bird show on TV.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
This one goes to one hundred
Musician Brodie Cumming has put together a pretty amazing medley of 100 well known and influential guitar riffs. I am appalled - appalled - to say that I could only positively identify 41 of them. There were another 13 that I recognized but couldn't name, and then 46 that I just had no clue. You will be shocked, I'm sure, to discover that I'm not very well versed in the works of Pantera, Motorhead, Judas Priest, or Dokken. I also whiffed on the Joe Satriani and Yngwie Malmsteen. Brian L., wherever you are, I am deeply, deeply sorry.
Check out Brodie's website for a list of all the songs. He loves him some Van Halen and Zeppelin, but you know, who doesn't? Jimmy Page and Eddie Van Halen are geniuses. Geniuii? I was a little disappointed that Heart's "Barracuda", ZZ's "La Grange", and "Satisfaction" weren't included. But props for including Living Colour.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Fabulous Etsy Find: cupcakesandmace
I'd been thinking about ordering a name plate for a while, and then finally did.
First, the packaging. Ooh, pretteh!
Your Monday morning moment of WTF??
The most terrifying thing I've seen is her making a Kwanzaa cake. Watch that clip and tell me your eyeballs don't burst into flames. It's a war crime on television. You'll scream.
I'm pretty sure, judging by the vestigial ectoplasm on my jacket that I was sideswiped by pure evil.An icy, tendril of fear runs down my spine. I turn and find myself looking straight into the deceptively attractive and reasonable looking face of Sandra Lee.
Now, I've said some unkind things over the years about Sandra. Far too many and far too terrible things to ever apologize for. Plus, I pretty much meant every word. Once you've seen Sandra making Kwanzaa Cake on YouTube, there's no backing down. Sandra is talking. I know this cause her lips are moving and she's saying--overtly anyway, nice things. Like "You're a very naughty man," and she's chatting amiably with my wife. But one hand is picking over me like the meat buyer at Peter Luger selecting a rib section--like some demonic bird of prey is poking and prodding, deciding where the weakest, most tender point of entry is, giving, as I recall, a point by point review of her investigations to my wife--who ordinarily, I have to say, would have been across the table with a tomahawk chop elbow to the top of the skull by now, but who, like me, sits mesmerized and grinning insanely, frozen by the ..bizarrenessof the moment which seems to go on forever as Sandra's hand wanders upward, tugs an ear lobe and asks if my ears are red yet. (They were.) Having had her way with me, she leaves the emptied husk of my carcass teetering at the table and moves on.
I felt like the victim of a drive-by shooting. "What just..happened?" I said with a weak, trembly voice. I looked around to see if anyone else had noticed the quiet but very thorough disembowelment that had just occurred. Nothing. It had looked, to anyone who'd care to notice, like any other cocktail party conversation--but I knew better. I had looked into those eyes. I'd seen. Oh, she was smiling all right, but I'm pretty damn sure you could have dragged a rusty butterknife across my carotid artery right there at the table and her expression would not have changed, maybe only the eyes, they'd roll over white as I geysered onto the chafing dishes.