Saturday, February 28, 2009

America runs on Diet Coke

The Obama Team's Drink of Choice? Coke, Not Pepsi

Nice try Pepsi *cough* changingyourlogotoechotheObamacampaign'sinaweakattempttoincreaseyourmarketshare *cough*

Better luck next time.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why am I here?! FOR TEA PARTIES!!!

We still have a few more weeks of repeats to get through enjoy. Tonight its 4.08 "Wishful Thinking", which gave us this bit of fabulousness.

Also, I am loving the spoilers from io9 about 4.15 "Death Takes a Holiday".  


 Anna the Angel is back and!  AND!  so is Tessa the Reaper!  
Anna the "disgraced angel" is back, and so's Tessa, the reaper who tried to claim Dean back in the season two opener. And Dean and Bobby start an intervention for Sam, over his addiction to demon blood, and keep him prisoner. (Bondage!) Also, the show is casting a cutie-pie 11 year old who's suddenly possessed and turns into an ice queen, which means Lilith is probably coming back.
So that's what Sam has been up to. My guess was that he was allowing Ruby to possess him (no, not like that). I just hope they make it make sense ... we've already been down the magic = addiction road with Willow in Buffy Season 6.  And it never really worked for me.  

But seriously? How awesome does this preview look? SQUEEEE!!!!


In other happy happy, joy joy news, the CW announced on Tuesday that Supernatural got the pick up for Season 5.  Yay!  Although its nice how the show barely rates a, "oh yeah, those guys too" mention at the end of the press release.  Stay classy CW.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tell me about your world, Usul Feature: Geek Rock: Science Fiction Songs

Dude!  Iron Maiden wrote a 7 1/2 minute long song inspired by Dune??  I am totes going to have to start listening to them.

And let us not forget. If you walk without rhythm you won't attract the worm.

via io9

Yeah I want sweet tea with that!

Yahoo!News / AP: Sooie! Alabama college students eat BBQ for grades

Four college students walk into a smoky restaurant, sit at a table under a blaring TV and order up their class work for the day — two slabs of spare ribs dripping with reddish sauce, white bread on the side.

But this isn't lunch. It's writing about barbecue for an A.  The four spent January visiting some of the South's best barbecue restaurants for course credit from Birmingham-Southern College in a self-designed class that combines heaping mounds of meat with academics, all spread across five states.

They sketched out a trip through Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. They stuck to places that specialize in pork because Southerners KNOW pork is the only real barbecue.

Now that sounds like tuition money well spent. I do loves me the 'que.  And while I have had some delightful meals with wonderful company in beef-centric Texas, I am firmly in the pork / vinegar camp.

Every summer on the way to the beach, a trip to Sauls Cafe is required. And the sting of coming home at the end of the week is always softened by lunch at Cowlings.

I'm not a huge fan of ribs - they're just too much work and you get covered in crap - unless we're talking about the dry rubbed ribs at the Rendezvous in Memphis. Then we're talking ribs.

Monday, February 23, 2009

You just don't hear enough Bonnie Tyler anymore

For serious, y'all?  This is the best fun ever!

The Hero Factory

It was a toss-up between the gun, the flame thrower, or the lightsabre (naturally) ... and maybe the laser whip thingie ... and the battle ax was pretty kewl too.

But in the end, you can't go wrong with a good blaster by your side.

That would be me, now in super hero flavor

tip o'the hat to Ms Constantine

Express Lane - 15 items or less

I posted on Friday about the Jedi Chefs.  io9 came upon that link via my new favorite blog, Eat Me Daily.  EMD started serving up deliciousness in October, and they hit that perfect sweet spot of food and pop culture.

Plus, they love bacon and have no patience for Gwyneth "GOOP" Paltrow's food fuckwittery.  That's a win in the wax|wendy book.

These look good don't they?  Raspberry macarons, maybe with a hint of mint?  Nope.  Try ketchup with a hint of cornichon.

Lamb and mint jelly is one thing, but Cajun Squirrel?  Seriously?

From the vaults, vintage celebrity cookbooks.  Also, that is totally my new FB profile picture.

Temporary tattoos for food lovers.  I'm buying a set of these for everyone I know.

Make your own Lego gummy candy.   Delectable!  Plus, they squish when you step on them.  Parents, you know what I'm talking about.

Dan Coudreaut, the man who put apples in Happy Meals (tm)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Colbert does not approve

Bear Shaped Sleeping Bag - Neatorama

That's right.  Its a sleeping bag.  The most amazing, terrifying sleeping bag ever.  Sweet dreams!

Do you know that girl? No, I really don't.

Hey! A tussle.


Tell me again how Jayne got beat up by a 90 pound girl.

And this? This is fantastic because it's true. The first time I saw a trailer for Serenity I thought to myself, "When did River turn into Buffy?"

A little slice of heaven

credit: zachstern via flickr

It only took a year, but I finally made it to Georgetown Cupcake.  If I could marry a bakery (as opposed to a baker, which is a whole other story) GC and I would be on the first flight to Vegas.

Oh yeah. I should probably take a picture for the blog.  There were more, but Tortiegirl and I ate them.

I'm not sure why - other than it's FRAKKING DELICIOUS - but the red velvet seems to have become the de rigeur flavor city-wide. It's even spawned an eponymous shop up in Gallery Place.  My other favorite that night was the toasted marshmallow - airy, moist devil's food cake with a fluff of 7 minute frosting.  Just like my mom makes for my birthday!  Although apparently this was a January only flavor.  Tragedy!

Tortiegirl and I made the fatal error of making a return trip on Valentine's Day.  We stood in line for 20 minutes only to discover that they were totally out of anything we wanted.  So we were forced to waive off.  V.V. disappointing.

And that's the thing about Georgetown Cupcakes - there is always a line, the space is miniscule, and you don't know what they have (or what they're out of) until you make your way in the door.  Fortunately, the silly-expensive cakes are well worth the wait.  Unlike some establishments I could mention.

 *cough* LoveCafe *cough*

Seriously, wait 15 minutes before eating?  Its a CUP. CAKE.  Pretty much the definition of instant gratification.  

And even if you do wait 15 minutes, you're rewarded with a cake that's dry and dense, and frosting that is reminiscent of biting into a stick of lightly sweetened butter.  

All hat.  No cowboy.

We're in the midst of a cupcakesplosion, although I guess DC is a little behind power curve.   They're already over it in NYC.  They've gone back to donuts.

George Foreman knocks out the fat!

My Foreman Grill finally, FINALLY arrived! Yay!  The market for celebrity endorsed cookers has really expanded since the original hit the market.

You know what? Do not like.

I know.  I'm as surprised as you are.

ADD OCD DIY? Organize and Shelve Books by Color | dornob

Friday, February 20, 2009

JDM is hot like FIYAH!

io9: Watchmen's Comedian Almost Perished In Flames

io9 has an interview with Jeffrey Dean Morgan about his role in the upcoming Watchmen movie.  Apparently things got a little dodgy with the flame thrower:
So finally the last time I did it, I held it on this guy, but in the mean time I'd done it so many times that the rice paddy had been covered with gasoline from shooting this thing. So I'm burning this guy up and I do it and I'm like, 'yeah you fucking bastard,' and I look down and there's flames coming at me, and it comes right up my leg and there's no one near me. I'm in the middle of a rice paddy. And I look up and I see Zack and his eyes are this big [makes big circles over his eyes] and all I can think is 'I can't ruin the costume.'"

These are not the recipes you're looking for

Do you like Star Wars? Do you like food? Well, have I got two great tastes that taste great together for you.

That would be Crashdown, Helo, and Chief.   I seriously could not love Aaron Douglas more right now.

Who are the Jedi Chefs you ask?
We Jedi Chefs are just like 'normal' Jedi, but we also cook.

The hierarchy of the Jedi Chef Order is as follows:

There are many JCAs (Jedi Chef Apprentices). JCAs are the 'workers' of the Order, dividing their time between carrying out menial (but necessary) tasks and training to become JMCs (Jedi Master Chefs) . All JCAs aspire to ascend to JMC status. The JMCs are the warriors, technicians and heavy drinkers of the Order. Selected JMCs form the Jedi Chef Senate. This august body handles the running of the entire Jedi Chef Order, from debating important policy decisions down to day-to-day budget issues. A small subset of the Senate constitute the secretive Jedi Chef Council. Operating behind the scenes and outside the "regular channels", the Council is able to covertly and expertly steer the Order towards further greatness.
I don't know how they did it, but they somehow managed to get pretty much all my favorite actors from all my favorite shows to pose.  Could be everybody loves the light sabre.

Could be the booze.

via io9

British Friday - Luxury! Paradise! edition

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My awe is in inverse proportion to the size of the stitch

Althea Crone creates miniature knitted works of art in what she calls "bug-knit" scale. Her pieces are amazing and are featured in Coraline, a movie I really need to see right the frak now.

via Neatorama

Monday, February 16, 2009

The American Festivals Project

The American Festivals Project, partially funded by a National Geographic Young Explorer’s Grant, is led by photographers Ross McDermott and Andrew Owen.

The project explores America’s variety of small-town festivals, with the aim of discovering a rich diversity of culture that has in part remained hidden. Traveling in a truck powered by Waste Vegetable Oil, and living in a 1964 truck camper, Ross and Andrew are covering an extensive array of unique festival life from forty-nine of America’s states.

So far, AFP has covered the Prison Rodeo, Machine Gun Shootout, and NY's Idiotarod, among other festivals and events.  You can check in on the blog for updates on their newest adventures.

I love the whole idea of this project.  I've take a few road trips, and sometimes it seems like the only way to tell you're someplace new, is when the accents in the drive through change.  Its nice to know there are still unique pockets of culture out there, and that someone is trying to document them.  So join the ride.

Happy Presidents' Day!

I love you Brad Neeley

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bite my shiny metal ass

io9 Triviagasm: 60 One-Of-A-Kind Robots From Science Fiction

Granted, io9's list is really just that.  There's not much context, but it does give me an excuse for the clips below.

I could only name 25 out of the 51 robots on the graphic.  Good, but not great.  An extraction team should be coming any minute to cart me off to the nerd re-education camp.

I wonder if I'll get a t-shirt when they're done with me.

Life. Don't talk to me about life.

Old School

New School

Vin Diesel gets a life-time pass from me for being the Iron Giant

You know she's in there

Jezebel - Pyramid Collection: For The Steampunk Renaissance Faerie Pirate Wench New Age Witch Harlot In You

Of course I immediately added my name to the mailing list for my own catalog.

Also?  I NEEEED this jacket.


wax|wendy, as guest edited by Mariah Carey

Cornify via Jezebel

This is not your grandmother's needlepoint

I have often been heard to say, "I'm going to embroider that on a pillow."  But Shanna of ST!#CH OUT LOUD has beaten me to it.  It is unlikely that you will find any of her patterns at your local craft store.  Fortunately you can purchase finished pieces via her etsy shop. 

Sadly, this one isn't for sale yet.  Those of you who know, you know what I'm talking about. 

Ain't no particular kind I'm more compatible with

Here's the perfect post-Valentine's story

io9 - Kissing To Be Clever, Preserved Forever

A dental alginate mould of the kiss of a couple is displayed at The Science Museum's Dana Centre in London, Thursday, Feb. 12, 2009. Couples were invited to the kissing experiment, where as many styles of kissing were collected in moulds, and the moulds transformed into glass sculptures. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)

So, if I'm understanding this correctly, the couples were asked to kiss with a mouth full of goop?   That hideous green stuff that the orthodontist uses to make a mold of your teeth?

~ GAG ~

No leprechauns were harmed in the writing of this post

Rainbow's end found, but there is no pot of gold - Telegraph

Clearly, I had to include this ...

Cham-pag-nee of Beers

My very most favorite bar in Chicago is a place called Nick's Beer Garden. Partly because it was in crawling distance to my flat, and partly because they served $2 pints of the Miller High Life every day. Now that's common sense.

27 Feet of Nonsense

Chubblie Bubblie!

Tito's here!

T-shirt folding explained

No fair jumping directly to Step 6 - The Flop and Fold

We're off to outer space! We're leaving Mother Earth!


Oh, my love for this show knew no ends back in the day ...

Great power comes with great responsibility. Wave Motion Gun FTW!

Link via Neatorama

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Nice try, but it could be so much worse

Scientific Attempt To Create Most Annoying Song Ever |

An online poll conducted in the '90s set Vitaly Komar, Alex Melamid and David Soldier on a quest to create the most annoying song ever. After gathering data about people's least favorite music and lyrical subjects, they did the unthinkable: they combined them into a single monstrosity, specifically engineered to sound unpleasant to the maximum percentage of listeners.

The first 2 minutes aren't so bad. I made to about minute 7 before I had had enough. The clip runs 14 minutes in toto.

As bad as it is, it's no Walking on Sunshine. Or We Built This City. Or The Conga Song. If you want to hear the sound of angels weeping, just clickie on the links.

The Toy and Action Figure Museum

Or, as my brother and I like to call it, Mom and Dad's basement

Real live sound visualization ... with FIRE!!!!

Damn. Is this what was going on in my physics class while I was napping?

I love you. I know.

You know what I brought to Ruth and Andy's Super Bowl party?  Two bags of Target house-brand chips, and half a six-pack of beer that Tortiegirl and I bought one night and then decided we didn't really like.

You know what Robert Saccenti brought to his friend's party?

It sure wasn't sad snacks, I can tell you that.  BEHOLD!

Robert Saccenti, you win at life.  I salute you!

Happy Valentine's Day

Friday, February 13, 2009

Dollhouse: Premieres tonight at 9:00 Eastern on Fox

Yay! It's finally here. Go ahead Fox. Break my heart. I don't care. I'm just going to enjoy the ride for as long as it lasts.

io9 has had plenty of coverage, including recent hot off the pressness from New York Comic Con.  Linkies below.

Dollhouse's Sexuality Is Creepy On Purpose

First Ten Minutes of Dollhouse Revealed - (SPOILERS)
And a few non-spoilery clips to tide you over until tonight.

This is just silly.

Check me out at the Houston Chronicle's Tubular.  I'll be recapping the show there.

The circle of meta is complete

io9 - Exclusive: The Chief Explains Why Cally Would Have Been A Terrible Final Cylon

British Friday - You Best Step Off My Girl Edition

My love for the Posh is well documented.  And now, word is that the Beckhams are planning to leave the U.S. and return to Europe.  Not quite two years after signing with the LA Galaxy, negotiations are underway for Becks to join AC Milan.  

According to this Reuters article (via Yahoo!News), their departure is being greeted with a general yawn by the rest of Hollywood.
Household names in Britain and the rest of Europe, the Beckhams struggled to translate their appeal to star-heavy Los Angeles.  Victoria Beckham's passion for high heels and tight black dresses were at odds with LA's laid-back flip flops and sweatpants.

Bonnie Fuller, former editor of Us Weekly, said she loved Posh, 34, and her style, but felt the average American did not relate to the former "Spice Girls" singer.

"She didn't have enough hair," Fuller said of Victoria's Beckham's short mane, which she cropped further last year.

"American women are big hair girls. They want celebrities with long, sexy hair which they can aspire to. Posh is also superglam most days, all day, and American women relate much more to Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie's uniform of jeans, T-shirts and sexy little sweaters."
You know what Bonnie Fuller?  You need to step the fuck off.  Seriously, I'm taking my earrings off.  I am not playing with you.

First of all?  Don't get me started on the hair thing.  Are you high?  

Secondly, I personally don't want my stars to be Just Like Us.  I adore that Posh is completely over the top, and ultra glam (although she rocks the boyfriend jeans too), and is totally a character living out her own inner screenplay.   I don't want to relate to her.  I want to live vicariously through her absurd life and imagined conversations with Karl Lagerfeld.  I want to look at red carpet pho-toes of her and think, "Oh Posh.  You've done it again, you little minx".

Not, "She's wearing her dress backwards.  That's original.  I used to do that in high school."

I also love that she has both a sense of humour and self awareness.  She knows that her job is to be Victoria Beckham.  As she told Harpers Bazaar:
If I go to the supermarket looking like shit, that affects my work. I am selling an image.
Gods damn right!

So farewell Posh.  Float above the haters because they just don't matter.  You are MAH-JAH!

Thursday, February 12, 2009