Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year from wax|wendy
tip o'the hat to Tubular!
If you're planning to brave the cold and crowds of Times Square, a bit of advice. Do not step to Kathy Griffin.
British Friday Observed - Slingers edition

via @sizemore and io9
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Why don't you go where fashion sits

... we at The Ritz London would prefer to encourage the "jam then cream" option as this is the traditional method of preparing scones. In actual fact, you could even add that butter should first be applied before adding jam and cream, although this is reserved for the more indulgent tea taker.Butter makes everything better. Clearly.

via Hollie Newton
Saturday, December 26, 2009
And on earth, a chance for peace
Give a Chance 4 Peace (8mins) from T'chaka Sikelianos on Vimeo. (via 29-95) has an interview with Portland based animator T'chaka Sikelianos where he talks about the creation of the video, from the free style imaginings of his amazing niece Aurora, to the execution and rendering of the animated elements.
Also, someone needs to please pony up some funding for the feature he's working on, "It’s kinda of a similar to Blade crossed with Buffy told in the language of Kung Fu." All kinds of YES to this.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Toon Tuesday: A Wish For Wings that Work
Monday, December 21, 2009
Crisss-musss. CRISSSS-MUSSSS!
Tip o'the hat to Ken!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
So, have you seen Avatar yet?
The Public Explains The Plot Of James Cameron's Avatar - Avatar - io9
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Coming Attractions - Gladiator: Men in Tights
Throw in some Bryan Adams or, even better, Roger "King of the Road" Miller, and you might have me, Ridley.
via Jezebel
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Totally geektastic gift ideas for the fanboy or nerdgirl in your life

Vampire Taxonomy by io9 associate editor Meredith Woerner. Because nothing says wonderful counselor quite like a pop culture guide book to the blood sucking undead.

For a mere $223,000 US - or 20.1 million yen - you can say goodbye to your mental well being, and hello to your creepy robotic doppelganger. Orders will be accepted between January 1 and 3, and only two will be made. For now ...
Monday, December 14, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
British Friday - Top Gear edition
Thursday, December 10, 2009
1 Man, 9,000 Albums - Album Odyssey: An introduction

The hope is not to review these albums, per se, but to try and recall the context of their arrival in my life, a perhaps boring tale that might include music venues and record stores that have come and gone over the past 10 or so years. There will be something reviewish in there, perhaps a touch of biography, but also some preservation of a world of music consumption that might be dead when my kid pays for her first download.It's going to be a fun trip. Check for Part 1 and future updates, or jump on the bandwagon via Twitter @andrewdansby.
Album Odyssey: An introduction | Houston Music |
Album Odyssey Part 1: Kinny Abair-ABBA | Houston Music |
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Toon Tuesday: The Venture Brothers
Monday, December 7, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
It's a Stampede! Link Roundup - 12/6

Who knew Topanga would grow up to be both awesome and hilarious? Also awesome and hilarious? Miss Sasha Fierce herself.
via FourFour with a tip o'the hat to @bobbyhank
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
It's a Stampede! Link Roundup - 11/29

F@#! these rings are expensive, but Gods D@#! do I want them! Tip o'the hat to Daddy Likey.
New Orleans is getting the David Simon / Wire treatment.
I'll be wearing these when the Old Ones rise. Hail Cthulu!
Have you ever looked at a super hero and thought, "Yeah, he could be a little more beardy"? Artist Vanja Mrgan did.
There are many copies. And they're delicious.
Death comes shining a thousand bright colors
Monday, November 23, 2009
#musicmonday: Waxing Poetics "Baby Jane" + "Where Your Name Is"
Most of the music I listened to in high school (and a lot of what I still love) was either thanks to my friend Brian L. or Carol Taylor at WNOR.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Honey, if we can't kill people, what's the point in being a vampire?
Gods, where is Buffy when we need her?
Winchesters? Anybody?
Keep your mitts off Boone though. Takes note, Cullens. Have some fun already. You're vampires.
tv - damon and vicki dance scene |
Seriously, you need to get out more. And I'm not talking about waiting for a summer storm to blow through so you can play baseball. Or sparkle.Although it is acceptable to go to the pier, but only if you're on a dinner and/or recruiting run.
Modesty and the fact that my mother may be reading this preclude me from adding any The Hunger clips, but come on. Blood, sex, howler monkeys, Bauhaus, and David Bowie? Vampires were just cooler in the 80's.

And I may be Team Jacob, but don't think you're getting a pass either, dogboy. This is how you do werewolf.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
#LOST or: I really should have flown Continental
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
#Supernatural 5.10: Abandon All Hope ...

Written by Ben Edlund, directed by Phil Sgriccia.
And now, promos and clips below! EW's Ausiello also has an exclusive clip, but beware - headline is spoilery for character casting. But then, if you're watching it, you're probably not concerned about such things.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
To mark the day I'm reposting this entry from the 12/26/08 wax|wendy archives. Don't say I never gave you anything ...
When I was a kid, there were a few occasions when gifts would magically appear a few days after Christmas. One year, my mom forgot about a pair of earrings she'd gotten me. Another year, my brother really, really, really wanted a Colossal Fossil Fight. Mom couldn't find the game anywhere, and finally happened upon one, on sale, post-Christmas.
So she put it under my brother's bed, and told him she thought maybe Santa had come back with an extra present for him. Oh, the joy in our house that day! Oh, the hours of fun and entertainment we had!
The present I leave under your bed today? Yeah, it's nothing like that at all.
Behold! I give you ... The Star Wars Holiday Special ...
Under no circumstances should you try and watch this 2 hour abomination in one go. I barely made it through the list of guest stars, and that's only the first 2 1/2 minutes. Bea Arthur! Diahann Carroll! Art Carney! Harvey Korman! It's like an episode of the Love Boat up in here.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Your Monday morning moment of Zen

The blue cave of Bisevo is not terribly easy to visit. First you must get yourself to the Croatian island of Vis, by ferry from the city of Split. Once there, travel by bus or motorbike to the other side of the island, the tiny fishing town of Komiza. There, hire a boat or tour to take you to the island of Bisevo, about an hour boat ride from Komiza. Then you will approach the cave via a small rubber raft, which is just small enough to enter the tiny cave entrance.Atlas Obscura via Neatorama
Sunday, November 15, 2009
#LOST Friday observed, in which the quest continues
In this installment we go BAAAAAACK to the LOST beach, nearly get swept away by a rogue wave during a Sun moment, and partake of a local delicacy.
You know, I'm not really sure why the Losties are trying so hard to leave the Island. I mean, seriously? Why?
Friday, November 13, 2009
It's #LOST Friday! It's #LOST Friday!
"Why yes, I did fly half-way around the world to stalk a TV show"

T has part of the first of our adventure up at Tubular - The Real LOST Experience or : How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Being a Fan Girl.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
#Supernatural 5.09 - The Real Ghostbusters
Super fan Becky uses Chuck's phone to trick Sam and Dean into attending a Supernatural fan convention, complete with fans dressed up as Sam and Dean. One of the activities is a live action role-playing game, but things quickly turn sour after a real ghost appears on the scene.
Jim Conway directed the episode with teleplay by Eric Kripke and story by Nancy Weiner.
Nancy Weiner also had the story credit on "Monster at the End of this Book". Well played, madam. Well played.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
#musicmonday: dj lobsterdust

01. Celebrity Murder Party (feat. Joanne Lunan) - Sympathy for the Soul of the Beast
02. Iron Maiden vs George Michael vs The Soupdragons vs The Rolling Stones vs King Curtis
03. Lobsterdust - Marley Maiden (from Exodus to Revelations)
Iron Maiden vs Bob Marley
04. Copycat - Numb World (A Copycat Mash)
Iron Maiden vs Pet Shop Boys
05. Celebrity Murder Party - This Brutal Oilslave
Nitro Deluxe vs Iron Maiden vs Future Sound of London vs Muslim Gauze vs Brian Eno and David Byrne vs Midnight Oil
06. Wax Audio - Maiden goes to Hollywood
Frankie goes to Hollywood vs Iron Maiden
07. The Illuminoids - 30 Running Adidas
Iron Maiden vs Run DMC vs Bow Wow Wow
08. DJ Schmolli - Deja Vu Vu
Beyonce vs Iron Maiden
11. Simon Iddol - Overkill of the beast
Piano Tribute to Iron Maiden vs Kosheen
Shhhh. DJ Morgoth - Iron Maiden
DJ Morgoth (karaoke) vs Bad News
Friday, November 6, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween : FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!
The cannon is mostly used on weekends to attract people to Gill’s Farm Market on Route 209 in Hurley, but sometimes the guys get together at the 1,500-acre farm and blast it when nobody’s around. Just for fun.
They’ve shot pumpkins, scuba tanks and a basketball filled with corn and foam insulation. They once scattered some geese by accidentally shooting into the flock. Then there’s the time they shot a bowling ball more than a mile.
“The first time we shot a bowling ball, that’s was probably the worst thing we ever did,” Arold says. “It kept going and going and going.” -- via Neatorama
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
#Supernatural 5.07: The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
Sam and Dean discover a witch is running a high-stakes poker game where the currency is life years vs. money.Show got some love this week from the Examiner, who included Supernatural in their list of Top 5 Underdog Shows:
Robert Singer directed the episode with teleplay by Sera Gamble and story by Sera Gamble and Jenny Klein.
The Little Engine that Could:
Simply put, this show just rocks. It only averages between 2 and 3 million viewers each week, but it always manages to squeeze by. Now in its fifth season, this is the ultimate underdog show which has found a way to survive and keep going, despite the odds of changing networks, lack of press and mediocre numbers. If you can say one thing about this series, the fans are rabid, loyal and willing to put up a fight, and it has paid off. The show can go from frighteningly scary one minute and uproariously funny the next. Supernatural might just be the best show on television, and chances are you've never seen an episode.
And Misha sits down with Zap2It for a drink and a chat. He brings up his parents' po4n collection and slash fic. That crazy kid is made of the win.
Now, on to the clips!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tip o'the hat to Tubular!
No, we can't let it go. We're browncoats.
I'm not going to lie. There may have been some squeeing during the first 30 seconds. The man is strapping on the holsters. I'm not made of stone.
And for those of you in the not-Hulu enabled world. No one should be deprived of Nathan Fillion getting his Mal Reynolds on.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Worst comic book characters of all time
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Happy Halloween ... ASTRONAUT!!